IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation specifies aggrieved, poor and oppressed people in countries and regions and delivers charity donations to everyone in need.

What is Sadaqa?

Sadaqa is more extensive when compared to zakat and consists of all sorts of donations and aid. Zakat in specific and sadaqa in general, signifies an economic system in which individuals and society meet the material and moral needs of people.

What is Sadaqa Jariah?

Sadaqa jariah, as the name suggests, is like the flow of a river and is used for ongoing charities. Some examples include charity organizations, mosques, public fountains, bridges and madrasahs in which people can constantly benefit from.

Are donations that are made to foundations and associations considered sadaqa or sadaqa jariah?

Donations made to charities are considered sadaqa and/or sadaqa jariah and the benefactors will be rewarded; charities are also rewarded for being instrumental. Fountains and institutions founded by charity organizations are also considered sadaqa jariah.

“When the son of Adam dies his actions come to an end except three things, a continuing charity or knowledge which gives benefit or a pious child who prays for him.”

(Muslim, Wasiyyah, 14, No. 1631; Abu Dawud, Wasaya, 14; Tirmidhi, Ahkam, 36)

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