Thousands of orphans are preparing for the future in safe environments with 42 orphanages, one orphan education center and one child life center that we opened in 12 countries with your support. We aim to raise orphans in a mentally, spiritually and physically healthy way without separating them from their own lands and cultures.
We meet the needs of orphanages such as security, food, renovation and personnel; we constantly support orphans to live in better conditions.
Why orphanages?
Our orphanages, which are of different importance in every part of the world, are schools for children who cannot receive education due to civil war in Somalia, a shelter for orphans who want to be protected from human traffickers in Pakistan, and safe homes for children who want to live their culture banned by the state in Myanmar.
The main purpose of orphanages is to support orphans who cannot afford to live on their own until they are able to stand on their own feet, to provide them with education and to prepare them for life with the affection of a family.
We continue to touch the lives of orphans in 12 countries with 42 orphanages, a child life center and an orphan education center.
With your donations, you can be instrumental in the construction of new orphanages, support the needs of existing orphanages, and make thousands of orphans smile as they prepare for the future.