IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Arakanese blessed with Qurban
Arakanese people in Myanmar and Bangladesh were delivered 5,700 shares of Qurban animals.
Arakan, Bangladesh, SouthAsia, Myanmar, Turkey 27.10.2012

Aid teams of IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation distributed Qurban meat to the Arakanese people who have been subjected to oppression and massacre.

The meat of sacrificial animals donated by IHH donors was distributed both to the Arakanese in Arakan, Myanmar and to Arakanese refugees in Bangladesh.

Arakanese Muslims were delivered 5,700 shares of Qurban in total with 700 shares to Arakanese people in Myanmar and 5,000 to Arakanese refugees in Bangladesh.

The happiness brought to the Arakanese in the shape of Qurban meat by our teams under difficult conditions in Arakan and Bangladesh wiped away all the exhaustion of the teams.

Our Arakanese brothers and sisters sent their gratitude and prayers to donors with aid teams of IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which has been supporting the Arakanese for the past 17 years with food aid and basic life supplies.

Please click to have a look at IHH’s report on Arakan which includes detailed information about the region.

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