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Palestinian Ambassador visited IHH
Dr. Faed Mustafa, the Palestinian Ambassador to Ankara, visited the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation. During the visit, information was shared about the current situation in Gaza and the activities of IHH.
Palestine, Palestine-Gaza 22.12.2023

Dr. Faed Mustafa, the Palestinian Ambassador to Ankara, visited the headquarter of IHH and met with IHH Chairman Attorney Bülent Yıldırım and foundation executives. During the meeting, the ongoing attacks by the occupying Israeli apartheid regime in Gaza and the current situation were discussed.

Ambassador Faed Mustafa expressed that the occupying Israeli regime committed great atrocities in Gaza and emphasized that not only Palestinians living in Palestine but also Palestinians from all around the world were affected by the occupation.

filistin-buyukelcisinden-ihhya-ziyaret-1.jpegPalestinian students in distress

Ambassador Mustafa stated that there are approximately 800 Palestinian students studying in Turkey and due to the attacks by the occupying Israeli regime, these students are unable to receive support from their families. He mentioned that some students have lost their relatives and others have been unable to contact their families. Mustafa emphasized that Palestinian students in different parts of the world are facing similar situations and explained the need for support efforts for these students.

filistin-buyukelcisinden-ihhya-ziyaret-2.jpegThanks to IHH and its donors

Ambassador Mustafa thanked to IHH and its donors for their humanitarian aid efforts towards Palestine.IHH President Bülent Yıldırım stated that IHH will continue its humanitarian aid efforts for Palestine.

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