IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Hygiene and food packets for South Africa
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation distributed food packets to 617 families and hygiene packets to 367 people living in South Africa’s Northern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal regions. The Republic of South Africa, being the 13th country with the highest number of Covid-19 cases, is the country most affected by coronavirus on the African continent.
TheRepublicofSouthAfrica 25.12.2020

The food aid packets delivered by IHH to orphans and families in need that are facing serious shortages of decent food contain almost a month’s food requirement for a family of four people. These packets consist of corn flour, rice, milk, sugar, pre-prepared soups, red beans, cooking oil, salt, tea, corn flour meals, yeast and tinned beans.


Coronavirus continues to have a major impact on South Africa

As in many countries, the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the world hard this year has impacted South Africa severely. A mutation of Covid19 called “501.V2” has been found in the country. Matt Hancock, British Minister of Health said that following the mutation of the new coronavirus type in Britain, a concerning variant of the virus that spreads more rapidly was identified in South America.


According to a report prepared by UNDP (United Nations Development Program), the most vulnerable groups affected by Covid-19 in the Republic of South Africa are families that have no father and laborers working in the country unofficially. According to recently published figures, there are almost 1 million recorded cases. In addition, more than 25.000 people have died due to the pandemic.


Almost 4.000 people benefitted from our recent aid operations in the region. 

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