Among the members of IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, Hüseyin Oruç, Deputy Chairman of IHH Board of Trustees, Münevver Hüseyin Mollaoğlu, IHH South Asia Unit Coordinator, Hatice Kübra Koçak, IHH International Partnerships Unit Coordinator and Muhammed Yunus Türkmenzade, IHH Humanitarian Diplomacy Unit Staff, attended the program. The main theme of the program was “Initiating Global Change with Local Solutions in Humanitarian Relief”. The program also focused on the crises caused by climate change, political changes and funding constraints in the humanitarian relief field and innovative partnerships that promote solutions.
IHH representatives made presentations
During the program, Hüseyin Oruç, Deputy Chairman of IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation's Board of Trustees, gave a speech titled “Bangsamoro Peace Process Member Third Party Monitoring Team (TPMT) Discusses the Role of Humanitarian Diplomacy in the Peace Process”.
Hatice Kübra Koçak, IHH International Partnerships Unit Coordinator, made presentations titled “How Equitable Partnerships Support Locally Led Linkage Actions and Strengthen Partnership for Resilience” and “The Importance and Role of Equitable Partnerships to Support and Enhance Local Leadership and Humanitarian Development Project Linkage”.
The program lasted for 2 days.