IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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7,427 Cataract Surgeries in Five Countries
In 2023, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation conducted cataract surgeries to 7,427 people in five different countries; with eye examinations to 35,135 people, and field screenings to 66,100 people.

As one of the leading causes of vision loss, Cataract has caused partial or complete vision impairment to millions of people worldwide. While cataracts are commonly associated with older age, they can also occur in younger individuals due to regional or genetic factors. In many countries, financial constraints prevent patients from accessing the necessary treatment.

35,135 people examined.

In 2023, IHH has conducted 7,427 cataract surgeries in Pakistan, Syria, India, Nigeria, and Mali, enabling patients to regain their vision. Aside from surgeries, we also conducted eye examinations to 35,135 individuals as part of preventative measures against the disease. Furthermore, a comprehensive campaign was carried out, reaching 66,100 people through field screenings to facilitate early diagnosis of eye diseases.

3.jpg197,260 surgeries performed since 2007.

With the activities in 2023, the total number of cataract surgeries performed by IHH since 2007 has reached 197, 260 across 20 countries. Moreover, 705,152 eye examinations and 1,102,719 field screenings were also conducted. In 2023, Pakistan had the highest number of surgeries with 3,959 individuals. The number of surgeries performed in other countries is as follows: Syria - 1,552, Mali - 870, India - 546, and Nigeria - 500.


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