In African countries which have political independence but lack economic independence, domestic conflicts and development problems negatively affect social life. Drought is one of the fundamental problems in the continent.
The IHH supports the people of the region through various projects it carries out in Africa. The foundation aims to prevent diseases caused by the consumption of unhygienic water and makes people have easy access to clean water by opening water wells in the region. In June, the IHH opened 56 water wells in Gina, Chad, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Somali.
There is also ongoing work for the opening of 34 more water wells by the IHH in Africa’s driest regions such as Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Somali, Sierra Leone, Chad, Sudan and South Asia’s Kashmir and Bangladesh.
The IHH which also aims to make agricultural lands more fertile through the water well projects also contributes to the development of a culture of sharing and solidarity among people. Opening of water wells gives and end to long-lasting domestic conflicts which are caused by scarcity of water and support solidarity among people.
IHH teams open the water wells in generally rural areas where there is drought and no access to clean water. The water which is retrieved from the water wells is offered to public use after various tests.
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