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Israel has been trying to mend relations with Turkey after they soured in the wake of the bloody Israeli raid on the Freedom Flotilla on 31 May 2010. The Israeli administration is offering a solution

A solution is sought to the rift that was caused by governments of Tel Aviv and Ankara through al-Quds-Istanbul talks and a three-partite agreement. The agreement is said to be based on the following three points:  

   1. Activities with intercultural theme

   2. Increasing commercial cooperation

   3. Achieving cooperation between NGOS and arranging events

The Israeli public regard the Israeli administration’s resolving the rift without apologizing and paying compensation through cultural, civilian and commercial efforts as an achievement and the Israeli media has published reports stating public’s approval of the policy. That is why the cancellation of concerts and other art events aiding this effort was deplored in Israel. The Israeli media clearly states that any activities from the abovementioned three categories are for this political objective and the partners in such activities are used to realize this objective.      

Israel has signed agreements with various musical groups to achieve its goal. To this end, a performance has been planned by Turkey’s Akbank at Beyoğlu Akbank Art Center with the participation of Israeli Itamar Erze&Adama Ensemble music group. Two concerts are scheduled as part of the event, one at 18:00 on 24 June 2011 and the other at 20:00 on 25 June 2011.  

We find Israel’s efforts to improve relations with Turkey by organizing various cultural and art activities and using various institutions instead of accounting for its crimes unacceptable, and we regard offering Israel such opportunities as treachery. Because of these reasons the concerts should be cancelled. Israel’s efforts to condemn the world and humanity to live with her lawlessness and viewing her massacres justifiable are seen unacceptable by the people of Turkey and virtuous people all over the world. We want to make it clear that our stance on cancelling these concerts is not an assault on artists and cultural and art events but a stand against exploitation of such events and artists.

We Call on Sabancı Group and Akbank

A poll conducted has revealed that 92 % of Turkish people find Israel guilty in this incident. The UN Human Rights Council also condemned Israel for a number of crimes including willful killing. Our people have become very sensitive over the issue owing to the massacre Israel committed on the Mavi Marmara boat. Concerned quarters of the society view such events as cunning efforts of Israel and provocative. It is openly discussed and written in Israel that such activities are meant to aid Israeli policy explained above. Because of these reason we want you to cancel the concerts and demand that you do not become part of Israel’s efforts to win support for its bloody politics before the Turkish public.

We Call on Turkish People

Israel massacred nine citizens of Turkey onboard the Mavi Marmara boat. Uğur Süleyman Söylemez, who was wounded in the raid, is still comatose. The activists that were wounded, jailed or tortured have not been compensated yet. This being the case, Israel is trying to justify its violent actions before the Turkish public by establishing cooperation with NGOs, forging commercial ties or arranging cultural events. Such events should not be allowed until Israel has denounced unlawful policies. In this regard, we urge you to take part in protests to cancel these concerts.   

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