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Mavi Marmara is on the Stage!
The attack which caused 9 deaths by Israelies on the Mavi Marmara carrying humanitarian aid to Palestine is became a play on the stage.
Turkey 07.02.2011

The play titled "Ölüyoruz, Demek ki Yaşanılacak" (Dying to Give Life) written by Sedat Doyan. 16 performers took parts during the play which is directed by Bedir Avşin. The performers many of whom are volunteers were on the stage for the first time.

Approximately one and half an hour-long- play was staged at the Bağlarbaşı Cultural Centre and watched by more than a thousand audience. The group aims not to forget the Israeli inhumane siege of Gaza and the tragedy of the innocent people of Palestine.  

The audience left nice comments after the play. Fatih Aşçıoğlu said that he found the play very realistic that he felt as if he were there during the scenes of the attack he also said that the play was much better than the movie Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin (Vallef of Wolves: Palestine) in terms of projecting the reality of the Mavi Marmara.

The director Bedir Avşin said "Of course we have a political aim but it is not only about politics and we show that with this play. Now Mavi Marmara has her part in the hearts of the people and I'm very happy because of this. It needs not to be forgotten and it is a nice feeling to help people to keep remembering"

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