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Mavi Marmara readies for its new voyage
Mavi Marmara which will be one of the ships that will take part in the Freedom Flotilla II is readying for its second voyage to Gaza. The ship which is currently undergoing maintenance will be ready f
Palestine, MiddleEast, Turkey 16.05.2011

Mavi Marmara was the leading boat of the Freedom Flotilla I which set sail to Gaza last year and attacked by Israeli forces. The ship suffered severe damage from the Israeli attack and the following inspections. The engine and electrical equipment of the ship was heavily damaged after it was taken to Israel’s Ashdod Port. Israeli forces intentionally damaged the ship’s electricity equipments and engine. They also gave damage to the ship’s deck and cabin.  

Mavi Marmara which will take part in the Freedom Flotilla II which will set sail to break the blockade on Gaza is readying for its new voyage. The ship underwent maintenance at the Tuzla shipyards in İstanbul where its body was repaired. The outer surface of the ship has been dyed while its lower body has also undergone maintenance. The propellers of the ship as well as its engine components have been renewed.

Mavi Marmara was later to pulled at Kasımpaşa Shipyards for its maintenance work to continue. New arrangements have been made in the cabin and deck of the ship. The seats in the cabin as well as the floor have been changed completely. The electricity equipments of the ship have been repaired. The lowest cabin of the ship has been arranged as a place where various activities could be held during the voyage.

Maintenance work at Mavi Marmara continues at full speed. The ship has been repaired in line with the Turkish and international standards. All the equipments on the ship have been rearranged to comply with a Turkish law which went into effect in 2010.

Applications to Freedom Flotilla II exceeds 10, 0000

Meanwhile, preliminary applications from individuals who want to take part in the Freedom Flotilla II continue art full speed. The number of applications which have been made to the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation over the past week has exceeded 10,000. Upon demand from Anatolian provinces, 250,000 application forms have been sent to these provinces. It is possible to make a preliminary application to join the Freedom Flotilla II from the IHH’s institutional website or by filling out the hard copy application forms.

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