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IHH provides the most aid to oppressed geographies
The NGO that provided the most aid to oppressed geographies in Turkey was IHH with 32.93 million dollars, according to a report prepared by the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA).

The NGO that provided the most aid to oppressed geographies in Turkey was IHH with 32.93 million dollars, according to a report prepared by the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA). 

TIKA's 2013 Development Assistance Report was announced. According to the report, there was a 30% increase in 2013 compared to the previous years in Turkey. In total there was 4 billion 347 million dollars in development aid. The public sector provided the most aid with 3 billion 307 million dollars while the private sector provided 820 million dollars and NGO's provided 280.23 million dollar aid.

The report stated that Turkey had a 30% increase in Development Assistance aid compared to 2012. The Syrian guests benefited the most from the aid provided to the Middle East Region, with 1 billion 766.54 million dollars.

In 2012, the official development assistance increased by 3 times therefore, the African region moved to second place. They secured their place with the 782 million dollar aid they received. An 8% increase occurred in aid to the South and Central Asia Region. Despite the fact that there was a further increase in aid to the African region compared to the South and Central Asia Region, the Asian region came 3rd place in 2013.

A 12% increase in aid to the Balkans and Eastern Europe was observed compared to the previous year. When we observed other regions, there was 70% increase in aid to the far Eastern countries. The aid provided to the American countries also increased by 64%.

It was reported that in 2013, 49% of the Official Development Assistance in Turkey was provided by Humanitarian Aid. The amount of humanitarian aid provided reached 1 billion 629.18 million dollars, while the GNP ratio compared to the previous year increased from 0.13% to 0.21%. With these statistics, Turkey came 1st place amongst the other countries who provide humanitarian aid.

After the occurrence of the chaos in Syria, since 2011, Turkey continued to practice their open door policy for the Syrian's who came to our country. The camps set up in Turkey have been meeting the needs of the Syrian guests with precision for more than 2 years. With the effect of this process, Turkey provided 1.571 million dollars worth of aid to our Syrian guests in 2013.

NGOs are Turkey's pride

In 2013, the development aid carried out by NGOs was a total of 280.23 million dollars. They calculated a 85% increase in aid provided by NGO's compared to the previous year. 93.95 million dollars of the aid constitutes to the aid provided to Syria.

According to the report, the NGO which provided the most aid in Turkey was IHH Humanitarian Aid Relief Foundation with 32.93 million dollars.

NGO's in Turkey provided aid worth 280.23 million dollars all over the world in 2013. The aid that was collected with great sacrifices was evaluated in the best way possible, therefore becoming Turkey's pride.

An important part of the aid projects and activities carried out by NGOs was used to provide food aid, education, health, water and water hygiene (opening well) and housing.

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