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Aid campaign for Lebanon
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation is continuing its operations following the explosion that occurred recently in Lebanon’s capital Beirut. To date, our foundation had delivered emergency aid to 3.700 people in the city.
Lubnan, MiddleEast 08.08.2020

Life virtually came to a standstill in the city following the explosion that occurred in the Lebanese capital Beirut not long ago. At least 154 people have been confirmed dead and almost 5.000 people suffered injuries. Search and rescue operations in the affected area are still continuing. Hospitals have been inundated with those injured in the blast.

It is anticipated that in coming days a food crisis will unfold in Lebanon. The explosion totally destroyed the state-owned grain storage, threatening the Lebanese people’s main food source availability. There is a concern that if a sufficient amount of flour does not reach the region immediately the extent of the crisis will be even further.


“We launched aid efforts from the beginning”

IHH mobilized its emergency aid project as soon as news of the explosion was released; and it is continuing its aid efforts for the people of Beirut. On a visit to Beirut to inspect onsite aid efforts, Bilal Gündoğdu from IHH Media Department explained that they launched aid efforts as soon as news of the explosion was announced. Gündoğdu also said that IHH contributed to operations in Beirut with a 4-stage action plan:

“Since the first day we gave support in both search and rescue operations and transporting the injured to hospitals with our ambulance teams. In the days that followed we contributed to operations in the country beginning with works to remove the debris. At the same time we increased the production capacity in the kitchens we established previously in the camps where Palestinian and Syrian refugees live and distributes pre-prepared meals to the Lebanese people that lost their homes in the explosion. In addition, we launched an aid campaign and delivered food aid to victims in the region. A total of 3.700 people have benefitted from our distribution of pre-prepared meals and food aid to date. We will continue to support the Lebanese people until the crisis ends.”


Gratitude from the Lebanese people to Erdoğan

52 year-old Yusuf Malouk whose home was destroyed in the blast thanked the Turkish people for their support. Malouk said, “The homes of many people were destroyed in the explosion that happened at the port. We would like to thank the government organizations and IHH for the food and other aids that came from Turkey. Especially as the Lebanese victims that were affected by the explosion we offer our gratitude to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who gave a great deal of support to the Lebanese people.”



Our aid continues

In the forthcoming days, with the support of donors IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation plans to send two trucks of flour to Lebanon, repair damaged homes, deliver food, water, hygiene packets, clothing and bread via local bakeries.

Donors who wish to support can donate 5 TL by sending an SMS texting ACIL to 3072. Those who wish to donate larger amounts can make donations via IHH website or bank accounts stating the code LUBNAN.


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