IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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One out of every ten people on the planet does not have access to clean water.

Drought, high population increase, and pollution all endanger safe drinking water sources. Increased mass diseases cause mass fatalities in areas where millions of people lack access to clean water.

To prevent all of this, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation provides water wells in areas where clean water is inaccessible. Your donations help to prevent drought-related diseases, deaths, and mass migration. It also saves thousands of people from traveling hundreds of miles in the desert heat to find water.

In 22 years, IHH has opened 14.448  water wells in 44 countries.

Help people who can not reach clean water


Technical Features of Water Wells

  • Depth: Between 15-90 meters
  • Number of people who benefit from the wells: 300-500 people daily
  • Surface construction: Concrete shell, hand-pump, animal water trough (a majority of the standard water wells are built using a hand-pump and by adding the water trough. The water wells are constructed based on a specific surface concept. However, based on conditions in certain regions, a different concept apart from the specified surface concept, and pump types can be used when necessary).
  • Countries in which we opened water wells: Chad, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Afghanistan, Niger, Sudan, Somalia, Cameroon, Benin, Togo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ethiopia.


Technical Features of Specialized Water Wells

Specialized water wells are more extensive water wells that are put into operation in regions and situations where opening standard water wells would fail to meet demand. These wells can meet the water needs of almost 5.000 people. In regions where specialized water wells are built, they contribute immensely to the development and sustainability of livestock farming. In addition, with their vast reservoirs, these water wells can be vital for the irrigation of agricultural land in regions suffering from drought. The cost of these wells varies according to each individual project.

  • Depth: Between 90-200 meters
  • The number of people who benefit from these wells: Between 2000-5000 people daily
  • Surface construction: Tank/reservoir, fixtures, solar energy system or generator, taps for daily use, animal water trough
  • Countries where specialized water wells were opened: Chad, Somalia and Tanzania


Water Source Projects Execution Timeframe and IHH Standards  

In African and Asian countries, standard well construction projects take six to twelve months to complete.


Maintenance and Renovation of Wells  

  • Expert IHH teams conduct water well location determination, needs assessment, feasibility, and inspection activities. 
  • The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation repairs water wells that need technical maintenance or repair based on inspections and information from the regions.   


Analysis of Water Retrieved from Well 

  • Samples taken from water well are analyzed by local authorities or private laboratories. According to the results of the report prepared by experts, water wells are ready for use.


Organization and Strategy

  • Countries and regions where water wells are drilled change throughout the year depending on environmental conditions and needs. Every year, water well projects are carried out in the Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asian countries, primarily in East and West African countries. 
  • The number of water wells to be drilled in the regions is determined at the start of the year based on the country's needs, and water wells are drilled within the quotas established. 
  • The majority of water wells are drilled far from the capital and major cities, in rural areas where the need is greatest.


Service Life and Warranty Period of Water Wells

  • The service life of a water well can vary depending on underground water reserves, climate changes, intensity of use, and other external factors (war, natural disaster, etc.) The average life span of a standard water well ranges between 3 and 10 years depending on these factors.
  • The warranty period for a water well is two years. During this time, our foundation controls and maintains the water wells, and at the end of two years, the responsibility for the water wells is transferred to the people of the region.

What Can You Do? 

You can organize a fundraiser with your family, friends, or relatives to raise funds for the purpose of opening a well or donating to the funds designated for opening, repairing, and refurbishing wells. You can also help people to get access to clean water by contributing to the purchase of power generators, water channels, storage, and equipment.

You can contact us from calling +90 212 631 21 21 or sending an e-mail to info@ihh.org.tr