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9 mosques for Niger
With the support of donors, IHH opened 9 mosques for worship in various regions of Niger
Niger 01.02.2022

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation continues to support those in need with its aid projects all over the world. With regards to its permanent works area, IHH has just opened 9 mosques in various regions of Niger, Africa.


Solar energy systems installed in the mosques

Carpets, sound systems, bookcases and Qur’ans were provided for the mosques.

Solar energy systems were installed in the mosques. Additionally, IHH plans to meet the 2-year salary of the imams of these mosques.


The names of the mosques are:

- Fadime Yakup Çelik Mosque, Foye-Fondou village, Filingue city

- Ahmed Kuddûsî Hz. Fatıma Mosque, Tinzao village, Tillaberi city

- Rızai Apaydın Mosque, Idrissa Hamadou Koira village, Tillaberi city

- Ahmet Apaydın Mosque, Kokayna Koira Zino village, Tillaberi city

- Arzu Erel Mosque, Kokoirey Zarma village, Tillaberi city

- Rana Eymen Mosque, Tamara Kanta village, Tillaberi city

- Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han Mosque, Nai Chilmi village, Tillaberi city

- Sıla Masjid, Soundo village, Tillaberi city

- Çankırı Meryem Yanpal Mosque, Garin Guirwa village, Dosso city

These mosques will be able to host thousands of Muslims for worship.

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