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Asian aid convoy in Turkey
The first Asian humanitarian aid convoy for Gaza which began its journey from New Delhi, India, earlier this month entered Turkey from the Doğu Beyazıt Gürbulak border gate in the eastern province of
Palestine, Indıa, MiddleEast, Turkey 17.12.2010

The Asian aid convoy was joyfully greeted by a crowded group of people with Turkish and Palestinian flags.

Three buses were arranged for the 115 activists from 22 countries. The people who welcomed the activists joined them and moved to the city center together.

Speaking at a news conference held on the occasion of the Asian convoy’s arrival, Selahattin Özer, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation’s coordinator for the southeastern region, said: “We will host our brothers and sisters who have been travelling for days for Palestine in the best way possible in Turkey and then we will see them off to Syria. There will be activists from Turkey joining this convoy. We will always support relief efforts for Palestine.”

Activists joined the convoy from countries such as India, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bahrain and Sri Lanka. There will be more activists joining the convoy from the countries it will travel through.

Just as it is the case with other Gaza convoys, the IHH will host the Turkey leg of the convoy. IHH plans to hold various programs in Van, Diyarbakır and Gaziantep for the activists. The convoy will move to Syria on Dec. 20.

If they face no obstacles, the activists plan to arrive in Gaza on Dec. 27 which marks the second anniversary of Israeli attacks on the coastal enclave.

The convoy will have a city tour in Van at 2 pm on Dec. 17.


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