IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Daily iftar meals for 2.500 people
IHH distributed daily hot iftar meals to 2.500 civilians living in the refugee camps on the outskirts of Idlib, Syria.
Syria 04.05.2020

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation that has sped up it’s aid operations for civilians this Ramadan, is distributing 2.500 iftar meals cooked in the soup kitchen set up in Idlib to the residents of the refugee camps in the region.

“We plan to increase the number of iftar meals”

Zeki Tahiroğlu, IHH Syrian Operations Reyhanlı Regional Office Coordinator said that the foundation is focusing on humanitarian aid efforts during Ramadan in Idlib where a major humanitarian crisis has occurred in recent months. Stating that the foundation began it’s Ramadan operations early this year in Syria due to the risk of Covid-19, he added, “We began our Ramadan operations early this year as a measure against Covid-19 that would have a greater impact in the region that is already suffering hardships. We gave support to the people here by distributing food and hygiene packets to the people in the refugee camps and central settlement areas.”


Explaining about the hot iftar meal distribution in Idlib, Tahiroğlu said, “We are preparing 2.500 hot iftar meals every day in our soup kitchen that we set up in Idlib. We distribute these meals to the people living in the refugee camps in the region. As a part of the Covid-19 measures, we canceled all our collective iftar organizations. This means the need in the region has increased. With the contributions of our donors, we are planning to increase the number of iftar meals to distribute here.” Tahiroğlu pointed out that hundreds of thousands of civilians victimized by the war are in need of the support of donors.



To support this movement of kindness

Donors can donate their zakat, fitr, sadaqa and food aid packets for the needy and aggrieved in Syria and in countries all over the world and can also support our aid campaigns that will take place throughout Ramadan. Donors can;

-Donate 27TL by sending an SMS texting FITRE to 4072,

-Donate 5 TL by sending an SMS texting IFTAR, KUMANYA or BAYRAMLIK to3072,

-Donate via IHH’s bank accounts, online via the IHH website or by applying to the IHH headquarters.


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