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Hot Meals for the Oppressed in Gaza
The Mavi Marmara Martyrs Soup Kitchen opened by IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation in 2016, continues to provide the food needs to the oppressed people in Gaza.
Palestine-Gaza 05.02.2018

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza that has been under Israeli blockade since 2006 is continuing. In Gaza, where there is systematic genocide, the people are still only capable of surviving with humanitarian aid. Since the beginning of the crisis, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has continued to deliver aid to the people of Gaza.


Hot meals to 72 thousand Gazans a year

As a part of the Hot Meal Distribution Project, the Mavi Marmara Martyrs Soup Kitchen, built in 2016 with aid donated by businessman Talip Kahraman, continues to distribute hot meals 5 days a week. 72 thousand Gazans a year benefit from the kitchen that produces hot meals for 300 people a day. In January, the number benefitting from this project with the support of the IHH Istanbul Volunteers reached 7.500.  


“With donations this can be increased to 2 thousand a day”

Emre Kaya, IHH Middle East Coordinator, explained that in addition to the distribution of hots meals from the IHH center, food is also distributed to severely ill patients in health centers, homes for the elderly, orphanages and in certain cases to homes of families in need. Kaya added that the normal capacity of the soup kitchen can reach 2 thousand people a day, but due to the lack of support, it is only possible to produce daily meals for 300 people.


With the support of donators, the Mavi Marmara Martyrs Soup Kitchen can continue the distribution of hot meals.     


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