IHH officials delivered emergency aid to families in Dayc, a town in Shkoder District that was severely hit by flooding. An emergency aid team was dispatched from Istanbul to Albania right after the flooding disaster. The team co-organized aid delivery with IHH local partner Alsar Foundation. Albanian troops also joined relief works and cooperated with aid teams. Initially four tons of supplies were distributed to 5,000 affected people. Aid packages of cooking oil, rice, beans, sugar, macaroni, flour, soap and detergent were given to affected families in villages of Dayc, Sukat, Yeni Şam, Pemtar, Mushan, Belay, Darrgjat, Rsuhkul and Sirk, some of the villages that were heavily affected in floods. Distribution of blankets, clothes and foodstuff is underway.
Northern Albania came under flooding after heavy rainfall and dam waters were released last week. There was extensive damage after flooding. The level of flood waters rose by 1.5 and 4 meters in flooded areas. Preliminary survey revealed that 2,949 houses were substantially damaged, while 10,400 hectares farmland was submerged. About 5,000 residents were evacuated from the affected area to safer locations. Local people’s mainstay livestock farming was also hit by floods. Over 10,000 heads of animals perished. The damaged caused by flooding is estimated to be about €66 million.