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We could not find 1 square meter for refugees
The tragic death of the Syrian child who washed up on the shores of Bodrum and the refugees who lost their lives while struggling to cross the European border was protested at Galatasaray Square.
Syria, Turkey, Greece 04.09.2015

The tragic death of the Syrian child who washed up on the shores of Bodrum and the refugees who lost their lives while struggling to cross the European border was protested at Galatasaray Square.

In order to draw attention to the tragedies the refugees face and the body of the Syrian child who lost its life after two boats capsized during its journey to Greece from Turkey, washed up on the shores of Bodrum, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation and International Refugee Rights Association held a protest at Galatasaray Square.

Hundreds of people gathered together with IHH and Refugee Rights Association members at Galatasaray Square at 19:00 pm, to protest the loss of the Syrian refugee child who's body washed up on the shores of Bodrum. The group drew attention to the tragedy refugees face by opening banners and chanting slogans. The banners which wrote "wake up, mankind is dead" and "humanity hit the shore" drew attention of many.

The desire for more petrol is killing people

The protestors which held banners with pictures of the Syrian child who washed up on shore in Bodrum and banners which wrote "mankind is dying, we are inviting the world to wake up" also shouted slogans such as "wake up world, don't sleep support the refugees," "don't sleep Istanbul, look out for your brothers," "refugees are entrusted to us by Allah" and "dear refugee brothers, you are not alone."

The group of protestors later held a pres conference. On behalf of the International Association of Refugee Rights, Ugur Yildirim made the first speech.

Yildirim who began his speech by saying "As we remain silent, the homes and territory's of millions of people are invaded" continued to say " Colonies of what we call monstrous civilizations of geographies which prompted the emergence of refugees still continues. More and more people are dying because of greed for more money, petrol and land. Since bodies began washing up on our shores, aren't we still going to make an effort to put an end to this trend. For the first time ever, there is more the 55 million refugees across the world. Each one is a potential victim of a new massacre which can be seen in the Mediterranean. Each one of them come from geographies which Europe made unlivable after chasing after its greed. Each one of them are our brothers who have left their countries in hope of surviving. Each one of them are now the ghosts who are struggling to cross dangerous seas in order for their children to survive. Do you not think that the distress of these children will curse the ever so greedy Europe?" he added as he ended his speech.

It's time for solidarity for the Syrians who wash up on shore

IHH Vice President Yavuz Dede speaking on behalf of IHH said " the Syrian baby who washed up on shore in Bodrum, once again shows a clear picture of the refugee crisis. It is time to stand in solidarity with refugees who are trying to flee time, war, death and violation of human rights. Every state, group and individual must understand that immigration is not a crime" he said. After the press conference, citizens drew small circles to draw attention to the Syrian child who washed up on the shores of Bodrum. Children also contributed to the protests by reacting deaths in the drawn circles.


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