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Protest against Israel in Istanbul
Thousands of people and the NGOs including IHH protested Israel for various provocations and preventing the entry of the Muslims into Masjid Al Aqsa in Taksim Square.
Palestine, MiddleEast, Turkey 05.10.2009

For the protest that started at 17:00, people from different parts of Istanbul joined. People out of Istanbul, from the neighbor cities were also in the protest.

The group gathered in Taksim square walked from Istiklal avenue to Galatasaray Lycee. During the marching the people chanted slogans as “ The liberty of Jerusalem is the motto of Muslim community”, “Damn Israel” condemning Israel and supporting the Palestinian people.

Later the flag of Israel was burnt

The Chairman of the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief IHH, Bülent Yıldırım read a joint press release for the name of the NGOs. In his speech Yıldırım said” Gaza caused a regional war but Masjid Al Aqsa event causes a world war.For rest and happiness Masjid Al Aqsa has to be protected.” Bülent Yıldırım said these:“ Masjid Al Aqsa does not only belong to the Palestinians but the entire Muslims. Today all the Palestinians in case of an attack even considering being martyred can break the blockade of the Israeli police in order to protect Masjid Al Aqsa. Yesterday 20 thousands of people entering from the Magrep door attacked Masjid Al Aqsa, the Palestinian youths prevented this. In Jerusalem there are over 60 wounded Palestinians.

By today Zionist Israel made a call for 1 millions of Jews to attack Masjid Al Aqsa. They took the decision to occupy a part of Masjid Al Aqsa till the end of 2009. They are aiming to convert Aqsa into a synagogue. We are calling all the integrals of Turkey for supporting Masjid Al Aqsa case. Gaza caused a regional war but Masjid Al Aqsa event causes a world war.For rest and happiness Masjid Al Aqsa has to be protected.”

The attack started the attacks on the places of worship

Bülent Yıldırım saying that “this attack started the tradition of attacking the places of worship“ continued his words as “ Before, a lot of countries due to the spoilt policies of Israel called back their ambassadors. These are the lands of Turkey, their deeds belong to Turkey. This case is not the case of only the Palestinians. Defending Aqsa is the mission of 1.5 billions of people and the people who have conscience.

However Turkey responds the attacks on its own lands, it should show the same reflex here as well. Turkey, before the occupation comes true and the first qiblah of Muslims, Masjid Al Aqsa is destroyed should be able to use all the cards in its hands on time. The Organization of Islamic Conference should immediately be gathered and if necessary various decisions including cutting the diplomatical ties of the Islamic world with Israel must be taken. The attacks of Israel will be shaped according to the reactions of the world.”

After the speeches the meeting ended without any incidents.


Everything started with the attacking of a fanatic Jewish group of 100 people the first qiblah of Muslims, Masjid Al Aqsa on 27th of September on Sunday. Tens of people got wounded in the clashes. Starting from 03:00 a.m a new violent act started against Masjid Al Aqsa.

This year between 3-9 October the Jews celebrated Sukkot Festival. Starting from a few weeks before the radical Jewish groups made a call to make a raid on Masjid Al Aqsa with 1 millions of people on their holy day especially 5th of October. Against this the Muslim leaders in Jerusalem made a call for the Muslims not to leave Masjid Al Aqsa empty and during a week get ready to protect Masjid Al Aqsa against a possible Jewish attack.

A group of nearly 700 listening to this call and not leaving Masjid Al Aqsa were tried to be taken out by force by the Israeli police. 60 Muslims from Jerusalem are wounded in the clashes till now.

Since the night of 3rd of October in groups they began to go to Masjid Al Aqsa and especially are trying to enter into Masjid Al Aqsa from the Magrep door. This attempt of 20 thousands of people has been driven back by the Muslim group staying inside. The buses of the settlers have been condensely carrying the Jews to the Masjid Al Aqsa-Buraq Wall. Radical Jewish group who can possibly start a bigger attack said their attacks will go on for a week.

The excavations going on under Masjid Al Aqsa, continuing of the new settling plan, the occupation of the Maqrep door and Buraq Wall of Masjid Al Aqsa, the arbitrary practices in the entry and exit of Masjid Al Aqsa, grabbing the houses of the Muslims living in the Selvan and Sheikh Jarrah neighborhoods converting the Rahmah Graveyard into a park are all regarded as the parts of the policies trying to build a Jewish temple instead of Masjid Al Aqsa.

Zionist administration knowing that at once they cannot make this possible, in the guise of using the holy places in common by dividing Masjid Al Aqsa wants to seize the part from Buraq / Weiling Wall to Masjid Al Aqsa and build a Jewish synagogue there.

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