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Relief taken to Syrians at Baddawi Refugee Camp in Lebanon
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has taken relief including food packages, blankets and mattresses to the Syrian refugees living at camps in Lebanon’s Tripoli.
Lubnan, Syria 12.03.2013

In cooperation with Lebanon-based Gavs Humanitarian Aid Association, IHH delivered food packages, two blankets and two beds to each of the refugee families at Baddawi Camp win Tripoli, which is 100 kilometers away from Beirut.

Aid efforts continue at nine refugee camps
Giving some information about the circumstances in the camps and needs of the refugees, IHH Middle East Desk deputy coordinator Hamza Dinçer said aid efforts continue in nine different refugee camps in Lebanon.

He said that “Since the beginning of the crisis in Syria, we have been carrying out relief efforts for Syrian refugees in Turkey and Lebanon in addition to inside of Syria. As IHH, we have been carrying out a wide range of relief efforts in the camps, providing food, medicine, accommodation and other basic things to the refugees, offering them vocational courses, launching projects for the establishment of centers to support orphans, offering religious education and social and educational projects for children, launching psychological support projects for children, construction of mosques, supporting of health centers and maintenance of the infrastructure of the camps. Our relief activities continue in nine camps in four different regions of Lebanon but as the number of refugees coming from Syria increases, there is need to increase food and medical aid and have more permanent and social projects for them,”.

“It is necessary to improve conditions in the camps”
Dinçer point out the primary problem of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon is the fact that they had to leave their country urgently without being able to take anything with them. “Warfare conditions make refugees lonely and victimized in the countries they have taken refuge. So, they need all kind of aid materials. If their situation at their homeland were also poor, thereby, they suffer even more. Leaving their relatives, houses and property behind, Syrians take refuge in Lebanon in a financially and morally devastated situation. The difficult conditions in the camps in Lebanon get even worse with the arrival of new refugees. There is need to improve the conditions in the refugee camps in Lebanon. There is need to give more medical and infrastructural support. In addition, the amount of aid to the camps should be increased in the international standards and especially new camp sites such as the camps in Turkey necessary to be formed,” Dinçer added.

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