IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Somalis to learn modern farming from Turkey
The IHH carries on materializing projects to help the Somali people become self-sufficient as drought keeps affecting the regional countries. Although the majority of farmland of Somalia is cultivable
Somalia 26.09.2011

In Somalia, where people are fighting drought and famine, 50 percent of all land is farmland but only two percent of the land is used for agriculture. The reasons are inadequate agricultural know-how and experience, and insufficient infrastructure. The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has launched the Farming School project to teach and encourage farming for a five-year period. Peasants will be able to do modern farming thanks to modern methods they will be taught at the school.  

Somalia is expected to make big leap in farming with a five-year training program to be offered to farmers around the capital Mogadishu. After being trained in modern farming, the farmers will use the techniques to revive farming in their villages. 


A group of agricultural engineers and experts sent to the country from Turkey are conducting land researches to find out what kinds of plants can be grown in the region. After determining which kinds of crops can be cultivated in the country, a five-year training program will be started on a large piece of land belonging to the IHH. At the school to be set up on this land, all modern farming techniques and training in different crops will be offered. Farmers will be provided with logistic support to apply their learning during and after the program. They will also be given help with acquiring seeds, irrigation water and agricultural machines.  

The IHH has sent a drilling machine to Somalia to help local people irrigate arable farmland. The foundation has also been supporting farming in the country with water wells it has built.

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