Turkey’s Somali ambassador Olgan Bekar and his team visited IHH Anatolia Education Center in Mogadishu.
The team being welcomed with flags of Somali and Turkey attended a class with orphan children in the education center.
Children bid farewell the team after informed over the education and orphans.
IHH stands with orphans for 20 years
IHH continues to support Somalian orphans living under the shadow of civil wars for 20 years.
In this context, the education center built in Mogadishu serves the purpose of children’s many needs.
The center contains the school building, administrative sciences building, Quran course, dormitory, gymnasium, mosque, health care center and dining hall.
400 students will be able to stay at the same time in the education center built on a 10 thousand square meter area.
The center accepts 1500 students from all tribes. Thus, the target is to put an end the conflicts in Somali that has been suffered from heavy clashes between the tribes.
IHH being active in Somali for 16 years supports indigent Somalians up today with campaigns like Agriculture College Project, Cataract Project and Water Well Project.