IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Winter aid for those in need around the world
Winter aid for those in need around the world

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation started the "Winter Aid Campaign" with the contribution of more than 1,000 NGOs and has managed to reach out to nearly 200,000 people in need from around the world in various regions.

The "Winter Emergency Assistance Package" that is worth $55 dollars and consists boots, blankets, coats, scarves, beanies baby biscuits and food is being delivered to people in need in 23 countries including Syria, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Palestine, Iraq, Kosovo, Iraq, Lebanon, Macedonia, Pakistan, Jordan and Yemen.

The campaigns, aids and the regions that will be assisted until the end of March are as follows:

570 trucks of aid for Syria

We have sent 570 trucks of aid to Syria which is struggling to survive due to the ongoing civil war since 2011. The materials and amounts that have been sent through trucks to refugee camps and regions such as Aleppo, Idlib, Hama and Homs are as follows:

Baby biscuits: 18,115

Baby food: 6,052

Blankets: 111,459

Coats: 726

The oppressed of the Middle East have not been forgotten this winter

IHH is continuing its assistance activities for those in need who have been stuck between conflict and war in the Middle East and is struggling to stay alive in refugee camps. Within the scope of the last organised "Winter Campaign" IHH has managed to provide around 30,000 people with blankets, fuel to heat, winter clothes as well as food and various other aid to Syrian and Palestinian refugees staying in Lebanon and Jordan, to people who have been affected by the conflict in Iraq, Bagdad as well as other regions and have sought refuge in Kirkuk and near by regions and finally to those who have lost their houses in Yemen due to conflict and hurricanes.

Victims of Asia were not forgotten too

The "Winter Campaign" is also evident in Asia, IHH is providing assistance to families who are not only struggling to stay alive due to conflict but also natural disasters. Around 800 Arakanese families who are living in Bangladesh (Kutupalong camp and surrounding villages) have received blankets, while 500 families in Nepal's Tarai region have received blankets, shawls, scarves, beanies and winter supplies consisting of wicker.

Winter aid for the Balkans

The Balkans were not forgotten this winter as well. As part of the campaign 900 people in Bosnia and Herzegovina were assisted with coal and wood, 800 people in Albania assisted with wood, blankets and combed cotton, 400 people in Kosovo assisted with wood, 200 orphan families were provided with furniture, while 700 people in Macedonia were assisted with wood, child coats and blankets.

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