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55 NGOs launched “They are Waiting for You” aid campaign for crisis and war zones
55 non-governmental organizations, including IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, organized a press conference about the “They are Waiting for You” aid campaign launched to deliver humanitarian aid to the regions in crisis.
Palestine-Gaza 28.11.2024

The press conference was held at Fatih Neslişah Sultan Cultural Center. Representatives of non-governmental organizations supporting the project attended the press conference where the details of the aid campaign were shared.

Explaining the project at the meeting, IHH President Bulent Yildirim said, “Today we have come together to start a new move in Türkiye and in many countries around the world. We will express an innovation here. Our goal here is to increase the possibilities of humanitarian aid and to access all crisis regions in the world. Currently, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, East Turkistan, Arakan, Libya and Sudan are facing major humanitarian crises. And periodically, various parts of Africa. All of these crises are man-made. In other words, we are actually at war as the whole humanity. This war is not only in Gaza, but all over the world. Perhaps more than ninety percent of the victims of this war are Muslim communities.”.

“We request aid for war zones”

Stating that Türkiye is a country that tries to deliver aid to every zone in need as a nation and state, Yildirim said, “We have sent 3 shiploads of aid to Gaza with the support of non-governmental organizations with the Anatolian Ship we bought in this short period of time. We sent it twice to Sudan. We sent a ship to Lebanon, and another one will set sail soon. Aid is already reaching Syria. Now we have developed a new working method. We put all the war zones on the table, and say; Gaza, Yemen, Syria, Arakan and Sudan, we request in-kind aid from our people for all these war zones.” bulent-yildirim-2.jpg
“Authorize to send your in-kind aid to those who need it the most”

Yildirim continued as follows: “When our people bring the aid to non-governmental organizations, they will give the following authorization to non-governmental organizations: You can send our aid to any of the accessible crisis zones, that is, to any of the zones you have announced. In this way, the aid will be utilized more efficiently. That is why we are starting a new move together with the non-governmental organizations here. And we are saying that you should deliver your in-kind aid to those who need it the most. Cash aid can go wherever it is needed.”

“We will do our best to open the roads to Gaza”

Yildirim stated that non-governmental organizations in Türkiye distribute meals to nearly 100,000 people in Gaza daily, but emphasized that this figure is insufficient considering that the population of Gaza is 2.5 million. Yıldırım said that they will do their best to open the roads to Gaza and added: “As non-governmental organizations in Türkiye, we will continue to be hope for the oppressed people waiting for us all over the world.” 3.jpg
Representatives of the NGOs who attended the meeting also made speeches and expressed their support for the project.

The organizations supporting the “They are Waiting for You” aid campaign are as follows:  “Adıyaman Foundation, AID International Doctors Association, Akşemseddin Fatih Imam Hatipliler Foundation, AKV - Research and Culture Foundation, AYED Association, Bilim ve Insan Foundation, Davet ve Kardeslik Foundation, Dertliler Move, East Turkistan Education Foundation, Ecir Foundation, Eğitim Bir Sen Istanbul Branch No. 1, Fetih Foundation, Gaza Solidarity Association, HASEV, Hayat Yolu Association, Iraqi Turks Justice and Assistance Association, IDSB (Union of NGOs of the Islamic World), IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, Ihsan ve Vefa Association, Ihya Science, Service and Assistance Foundation, Communication Platform, Science Propagation Society, ISTIMDER, Iyilige Cagri International Humanitarian Aid Association, Iyilik Association, Iyilik Foundation, Iyilik Yolu Humanitarian Aid Association, Malatya Federation of Associations, Mavi Marmara Freedom and Solidarity Association, MAZLUMDER, Medeniyet Foundation, Memur-Sen Headquarters, Mus Federation of Associations, Osmanoğlu Solidarity Association, ONDER, Oz Kevser Foundation, OZGUR DER (Free Thought and Education Rights Association), ÖZKAD, RABVE Foundation, Rahmet Humanitarian Aid Association, SADAKATASI, Sadakagölgesi Foundation, Seyyidan Foundation, Siirt Education Culture Aid Foundation, Siyer Foundation, Sultanım Humanitarian Aid Association, Trabzon Federation of Associations, TÜGVA, International Refugee Rights Association, Umut Kervanı Foundation, Umut Ol Humanitarian Aid Association, Verdiğin Senindir Association, Veren El Association, YediHilal, Yeryüzü Çocukları Association, Orphan Foundation.

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