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7th Feta Awards were given to Mavi Marmara
“World Feta Day”, which has been organised since 2005, was celebrated and the 7th “Feta Awards” were given to those involved with the Mavi Marmara. In the ceremony, held aboard the Mavi Marmara ship,
Palestine 06.06.2011

The Common Conscience of Humanity: Mavi Marmara

“World Feta Day”, which has been organised since 2005, was celebrated and the 7th “Feta Awards” were given to those involved with the Mavi Marmara. The ceremony was organised aboard the Mavi Marmara ship, which is in the Golden Horn. In the ceremony it was emphasised that the Mavi Marmara ship is the centre of a peaceful movement of human conscience which is sensitive to the suffering in the world and it was emphasised that it reinforces the future hopes of humanity in its journey with the call “Palestine our road, humanitarian aid our load”.


The 7th Feta Awards were given to the passengers who paticipated in the “Palestine our road, humanitarian aid our load” expedition, to the families of the martyrs, and to some organisations. For the awards, a ceremony was organised at the Mavi Marmara ship. Furkan Doğan’s family had their award in the category of Decorum Feta, the Fraternity Feta was given to the participants of the ship who came from various countries,  the Trust Feta went to the captains of the ship, the Mercifulness Feta went to the International Association of Doctors, the Art Feta went to all of the artists onboard, the Bravery Feta went to Necdet Yıldırım’s family, the Tolerance Feta went to the participants of the ship from different religions, the Generosity Feta went to Cengiz Songür’s family, the Modesty Feta went to Cevdet Kılıçlar’s family, the Entrepreneurship Feta went to all of the participants on the ship, the Project Feta went to the group 'My Place in Social Life', the Intellectual Feta was given to the writers on the ship, the Justice Feta was given to the lawyers of the Mavi Marmara case and the Knowledge Feta was given to Ali Haydar Bengi’s family.

Smile Feta to AKYÜZ, Determination Feta to TOPÇOĞLU Families

In the Awards Ceremony, the Smile Feta was given to Cengiz Akyüz’s family, the Determination Feta was given to Çeti Topçuoğlu’s family, the Experience Feta was given to İbrahim Bilgen’s family, the Peace Feta to World Peace Volunteers, the Compassion Feta to Fahri Yaldız and the Education Feta was given to the Essay Poetry Competition Organisation. Feta Enterprise Group Spokesman Rüstem Budak, who spoke at the ceremony, said that with the organisation of the 7th Feta Awards the intention was to create a colourful mosaic to decorate the various aspects of life with values in its centre. Mr. Budak said that “We emphasise a person's personality and character, over all kinds of badges and categorising attitudes ; we want to cover every area, and create role models for our people. We want to contribute to leaving a good world with the target of setting examples for the journey of life, and creating synergy. To build up courage for the Feta Civilisations March, we present many of our respected people and celebrate their virtues to capture Turkey's public opinion and the world's attention.

The Common Conscience of Humanity: Mavi Marmara

Mr. Budak said that he and others think that the Mavi Marmara ship is the centre of peaceful movement of human conscience which is sensitive to all sorts of suffering in the world and it reinforces the future hopes of humanity in its journey with the call “Palestine our road, humanitarian aid our load”. Mr. Budak added that “we wanted to organise the 2011 World Feta Day and Feta Awards for the participants of the Mavi Marmara ship who attended the expedition “Palestine our road, humanitarian aid our load”. The Mavi Marmar is the gem of our common  humanity and common human conscience. . Our respect requires us to to celebrate the strength of will that it embodies that rewarded the history of humanity another legend.” The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation Board Member Yavuz Baysan who spoke at the Awards Ceremony spoke to the new Mavi Marmara expedition. Mr. Baysan, who said that tthe Mavi Marmara wil set off again in the month of Rajab which is a month of peace, said that “our first journey, thanks to God, reached its goal. Now this second journey is already producing good results, before it set off. With God's will, it will be even better. We do not have any tolerance for any form of embargo. No one can change our route.  Our ship is now in the Golden Horn, in the presence of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. If necessary, we will take that ship from land.”

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