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Activists cycle for Free Palestine
Twenty-two peace activists who began cycling from the United Kingdom in support of the Freedom Flotilla II and the Palestinian people arrived in Turkey after covering 5,000 kilometers. The activists
Palestine 07.06.2011

The Freedom Flotilla II is expected to set sail to Palestine in late June.

The activists from across 22 countries, who arrived in İstanbul, paid a visit to the headquarters of the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which was among the organizers of last year’s Freedom Flotilla.

The activists told IHH officials that they have begun such a project for solidarity with Palestinian people. One of the activists, Rachel Lawrence, said they are telling about Israeli atrocities in the countries they stop by and receive great support from the people.

We support Turkey’s determination

The activists said their goal is to reach Jerusalem and the West Bank while noting that they do not expect any intervention from Israel. “We hope this does not happen, but if it does we hope to show the same courage of the humanitarian workers on the Mavi Maramara.” The activists said they appreciate the determination of the Turkish people to support Palestinian cause while voicing their full support for the Freedom Flotilla II.

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