IHH officials went to Hulu district after finishing aid deliveries in Satskhovria. They distributed aid packages to 19 needy families in the village of Agara and to another 32 families in Kekyzebi Village. On Friday, Oct. 29, aid packages were delivered to 68 needy families following the Friday Prayer in Gorcani, the largest and oldest village in Hulu. Another 36 families were delivered aid packages in the villages of Helvachauri and Silibauri.
Muslims constitute 10 percent of Georgia’s 10-million populations, while they make 70 percent of the population in Ajaria.
We observed during aid deliveries in the city of Batumi and its districts that the region didn’t receive enough investment from the central administration and locals, who live under similar geographical conditions to Turkish citizens living in the Black Sea region, were suffering from serious problems with transportation.