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German MPs’ Harsh Reaction Against Israel
Alinnette Groth and Imge Hoeger, two German MPs on Mavi Marmara strongly criticized Israel. Both MPs noted that Israel has been committing war crimes since the day it was established.
Palestine, NorthCyprus, MiddleEast, Turkey 30.05.2010

Alinnette Groth, Imge Hoeger and 3 other German activists held a press meeting on Mavi Marmara together with Bulent Yildirim, President of IHH. MPs stated that they have joined this flotilla campaign to show their support for the people of Palestine and their reaction against Israel and German government for its support of Israel.


 Alinnette Groth, German MP, said “We’ve joined the convoy from Germany. I believe, altogether, we will arrive in Gaza. I believe, as a parliamentarian, I have to be present in all places where there is a human rights violation or crimes against international laws. For almost 4 years, there has been a horrible embargo on Gaza. The states that signed the Geneva Conventions should speak against this blockade. Because that is the requirement of that convention. I would like to especially note that all people of Germany should support this campaign. I would like to send my regards to the people of Germany, this campaign should definitely be supported. I believe with my all heart that this embargo will end very soon.”


Alinnette Groth said that it would a big mistake if Israel attacks the ships and it will lead to an international crisis.


Children in Gaza have been killed with German-made weaponry

Imge Hoeger noted that she has joined the flotilla campaign from a leftist party. Hoeger said “I would like to express that all wars in the world should end. Israel’s white phosphorus bombings on Gaza definitely show that this embargo and occupation should end now. It is completely unacceptable that Israel has been killing children with weapons sold by German government. This is why I am here. I certainly carry the political opinion that the blockade should be lifted. Israel should be pushed into a corner and forced to end the blockade.”


 Dr. Norman Paech, Professor of International Law said that Israel has been an occupying force since the day it was established. He went on to say, “Israel has been an occupier since it was established in 1948. Still it continues to occupy Palestinian lands. There are numerous examples of Israeli oppression. What they did in Gaza last year, clearly shows that they are a violent state. Israeli violent crimes are crimes against humanity. I do not blame only Israel for these crimes. I hold Western government and my own government responsible for this as well, because they are too partners in crime with Israel. My reason for joining this campaign is to be a role model for the next generations. By being here, we are aiming to show a clear stance against Israel and our own government. Because German government openly supports Israel. I will continue the resistance since an independent Palestinian state is established.”


Matthias Jochheim said that he joined the flotilla campaign as a member of Association Against Nuclear Weapons. Jochheim said “Israel continuously point at the nuclear weapons that its enemies possess. I wonder why it keeps ignoring its own nuclear weapons. What else could we call the white phosphorus bombs Israel used against Palestinian children? Those are war crimes. Israel commits all sorts of war crimes and gets away with it, all world governments remain silent.”

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