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Circumcision campaign held, aid delivered for Arakanese Muslims
Various relief items were delivered to Arakanese Muslims and 1,000 Arakanese children were circumcised.
Arakan, Bangladesh, SouthAsia, Myanmar 24.09.2012

Teams from the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation continued to deliver aid supplies to Arakanese people. In addition, as part of a campaign launched jointly by IHH and Association of International Doctors (AID), Turkish doctors offered health examinations to Arakanese people staying at refugee camps in Bangladesh and circumcised 1,000 Arakanese children.

Doctors circumcised 1,000 Arakanese children staying at refugee camps and nearby villages in Bangladesh. The circumcision campaign lasted for six days and circumcised children were presented with various gifts.

Two Turkish doctors, who are members of AID, came to the refugee camps for the circumcision campaign and for feasibility work for a medical clinic they plan to establish in the region.

IHH executive board member Hüseyin Oruç coordinated relief efforts for Arakanese refugees along with Justice and Development Party (AK Party) deputies Yüksel Özden and İbrahim Korkmaz.

The relief efforts were carried out in the refugee camps on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border and villages where Arakanese refugees stay.

Examining the relief efforts of the IHH which has been extending a helping hand to Arakanese for 17 years, deputies had emotional moments when they were listening to the problems of the Arakanese people in refugee camps. The deputies examined the conditions of Kutupalong Refugee Camp and talked to some families.

The AK Party deputies also joined IHH teams in the delivery of 1,000 food packages and 2,500 mosquito nets and canvas.

The IHH team and deputies, who came to the area where the circumcision ceremony took place, distributed candies, chocolate and gifts to the circumcised children.

The group later went to Dar’ul Iman Orphanage whose construction was sponsored by one of IHH charity givers. Forty-five orphans, most of whom are Arakanese, staying at the orphanage are all cared by IHH charity givers as part of IHH Orphan Project. The deputies who had a very warm welcome at the orphanage, spoke to children and delivered gifts and food to them. Children, who memorized the entire Quran, recited verses from the Quran there. Examinations were made at the orphanage and two new masjids whose constructions are ongoing.

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