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"Each class has an orphan fellow" project is continuing
In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Eğitim-Bir-Sen, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation's "Each class has an orphan fellow" project is continuing from where it left off from last year, in this year's education period.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Eğitim-Bir-Sen, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation's "Each class has an orphan fellow" project is continuing from where it left off from last year, in this year's education period.

The "Each class has an orphan fellow" project was designed to help orphans from Turkey and other countries around the world with necessities such as education, health, food, clothing and housing. Last year close to 2,100 schools and 7,000 classes in Turkey have joined the "Each class has an orphan fellow" project. As a result, students from Turkey and other countries around the world now have an orphan brother.


IHH's President of the Orphan Unit Murat Yilmaz, explained the details of the project as follows:

"Last year close to 2,100 schools and 7,000 classes in our country have crossed the bridge to form goodness and brotherhood ties. They have made orphan brothers from Turkey and other countries from around the world. Classes will join this project on a voluntary basis. There is no obligation for any class or school to join this project. According to the campaign 1 class or if they like, 10 classes can join and come together to support their orphan brothers. For this reason, a parcel will be sent out to classes who would like to join. In the parcel they will find a money box. Every month the money box will be filled and deposited into the designated bank accounts to send to their orphan brothers. The children will continue with this project for at least 1 year. If they desire, they may continue with the project the following year when they move on to an upper class."


Yilmaz, who explained the contents of the parcel stated that it will contain " posters showing the campaign. Our wall clock regarding the campaign will be hung on the classroom wall. We have a kindness map. Our children will exceed the limits, they will reach everywhere around the world. They will be able to follow up on their orphan brothers by hanging a Orphan Summary Data Sheet on the classroom panel. The Orphan Summary Data Sheet contains the orphans photo, birth-date and personal details. In addition, the campaign under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, will take place in the Fatih Project as the sample project. A special application is being prepared for this. They will be able to use their tablets to access the application of this campaign. They will be able to follow up and write letters to their orphan brothers through this application. Sharing will spread this way and meetings will turn into long lasting brotherhood." Yilmaz also mentioned that they were prepared a movie called " the butterfly effect" for this project.


This project is aimed at helping children from Turkey and other countries around the world, who have been orphaned by losing their mother/father in war, natural disaster, poverty, illnesses etc.. The aim is for their Turkish friends/students to provide the orphan students daily necessities and due to this they will form a unique friendship and brotherhood across continents.

Once a class decides to join the "Each class has an orphan fellow" project, they will sponsor a child (they may sponsor more than one child if they will) for at least one year by collecting 90TL a month on a regular basis. Students/ youth will select their orphan brothers from countries/regions which IHH's Sponsorship Support System carry out their orphan projects. Once the sponsorship period starts, the "Orphan Summary Information Form" containing the orphan(s) country, name, age and photograph will be sent separately to each class through mail or e-mail. (The Orphan Summary Information Form may be hung on the classroom panels in order to constantly remind the students about their orphan brother(s) they are supporting). They students may write and receive letters from their orphan brothers if they desire. This way they will have pen-pals from Turkey to around world and will be able to extend the orphan brotherhood ties. After the year is over, students may continue to sponsor the same orphan brother they were sponsoring the previous year.



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