IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Emergency Works continue in Van
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation’s search and rescue teams have so far managed to save 9 survivors under the rubble. IHH emergency aid teams continue to delivery of aid supplies and organize emergen
Turkey 26.10.2011

IHH aid teams have been delivering 4 truckloads of water, and food and blankets to 1,000 people in Erciş district every day since Sunday when the earthquake happened first time. IHH’s mobile kitchen is also delivering hot meal daily to 10,000 people.

IHH’s search and rescue efforts, which are conducted by specially-trained aid workers, will continue until no survivors are left under wreckage.

One of the major problems in Erciş is water shortage. In order to solve this problem, IHH has been delivering 4 truckloads of water to quake victims every day.

IHH’s aid workers deliver blankets and food packages to quake victims both in Erciş and in the villages. IHH teams, which conduct deliveries in the region, are included members who did not hesitate to rush to the quake region from Alanya, Antalya, Erzurum, İzmir, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Kayseri, Konya, Kahramanmaraş, Bingöl, Adıyaman, İstanbul, Sakarya, Muş, Tatvan, Uşak, Ağrı and Bitlis.

In order to organize the delivery of aid supplies coming from neighboring provinces, IHH has set up big tents in safe areas. The daily amount of humanitarian aid sent to Van by IHH has reached TL1 million.

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