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Gaza Harbor Repaired
In order for the boats sailing from Turkey to arrive in Gaza Harbor safely, the harbor is going under an intensive operation of repair and deepening. A specially-built platform have been descended to
Palestine, MiddleEast 28.04.2010

Gaza Harbor, which has been damaged by Israeli attacks, is under re-construction, while activities in Turkey towards the flotilla campaign to Palestine continues in full force.

Gaza Harbor was closed to access of large vessels right from the beginning of the occupation campaign. The harbor, which was out of service thanks to the embargo, has been seriously damaged by the latest Israeli attacks.

A maintenance project has been started in Gaza Harbor for the arrival of the ships of the flotilla campaign in May. IHH’s Gaza office has been in charge of the operation. The renovations continue in full force and effect. A specially prepared platform has been placed into the sea to conduct an operation to deepen the harbor and to run the repair work effectively. The repair project aims at taking the depth of the harbor to 10 meters from its current state of 3 meters. As a result of this campaign, the harbor in Gaza will have become a convenient destination for international trade ships.

Mehmet Kaya, IHH’s Gaza representative who is also in charge of the harbor repair project, says “We are working in full force for our project. The harbor will have become ready for when the ships from Istanbul set sail. There is a great deal of excitement here in Gaza. People of Gaza are looking forward to arrival of the aid ships, to meeting those people who have a place for Palestine deep in their hearts.”       

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