IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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Gaza nights organized in Anatolia
The IHH organized nights in Adıyaman and Şanlıurfa to draw support to the flotilla campaign that aims to break Israeli embargo on Gaza from the sea.
Palestine, MiddleEast, Turkey 11.03.2010

The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation achieved to break the Israeli embargo by successfully organizing a land convoy of aid to occupied Gaza. The foundation is now preparing for a similar aid convoy but this time via sea route. A number of European nongovernmental organizations have pledged support to the campaign that will deliver humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza and make the embargo meaningless.

Civilian groups from Anatolian provinces have offered support to the IHH. Volunteers in Kahta, Adıyaman and Siverek, Şanlıurfa organized special programs to attract support for the campaign.

Journalist-writer Abdurrahman Dilipak and singer Ömer Karaoğlu also took part in the night in Kahta. The program was supported by Kahta bureau of Memur-Sen. Other attendants included mufti of Kahta Burhan Barut, Abdurrahman Gürbüzcan, chairman of Adıyaman Humanitarian Aid Association, Selahattin Özer, IHH coordinator for Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia, IHH volunteer İsmail Tümer, and Mehmet Dağ, representative of Memur-Sen bureau in Kahta.        

Speaking during the program journalist-writer Dilipak pointed to the significance of the upcoming flotilla campaign and urged Muslims to voice their reaction saying “Our cause is not only the cause of Palestine. It is the cause of the oppressed in the entire world.”

The IHH has taken a crucial step towards the removal of the embargo, he said, “The embargo must be broken from the sea as it was broken on land. Humanity should put an end to this nonsense. Everyone should back this initiative.”

Singer Karaoğlu inspired the audience with his songs and hymns.

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