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Humanitarian aid for Bangsamoro
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation distributed food aid to 500 families in the Cotobato city, Bangsamoro to help them cope with the coronavirus epidemic.
Philippines, SouthAsia, Moro 29.03.2020

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation continues to deliver aid to the elderly, ill, disabled and those in need who are unable to access basic needs due to the Coronavirus outbreak in Turkey and other places in the world. As a part of these programs, IHH teams distributed food packets to 500 families dependent on aid in Bangsamoro. 


Explaining the situation in the country, IHH Bangsomoro Representative Ömer Kesmen said, “Because of the public quarantine enforced in Cotobato, it is forbidden to travel from one neighborhood to another. We are coming across extremely disturbing scenes here. The people have no food stocks left.” Emphasizing that IHH is supporting the people of Bangsamoro as always,  Ömer Kesmen said IHH teams were distributing rice, cooking oil, canned foods, sugar and pasta to families here. Kesmen, who explained the demand for aid is continually increasing, said they will be delivering food packets to a thousand families in the coming days.   turkiyeden-bangsamoroya-insani-yardim3.jpeg

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