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Humanitarian Aid Ship to Libya
As an extension of the humanitarian aid task that Turkey has undertaken, several aid foundations have also started to take action.
Africa 24.03.2011

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has completed the preparations to send aid materials to Libya. The first ship that carries the aid material set off from Izmir Port on 24th March, 2011. The ship carries 102 ton of humanitarian aid consisting of food, medical devices, medicine and diapers to Libya. IHH teams have also started the preparations for the second aid ship.

Aid materials sent from Istanbul and several other cities with lorries have been loaded to the ship by IHH teams. The ship set off from Izmir Port on the 24th March after the official procedures are completed. The ship will be in Benghazi Port in 4 days through switched lines.

 IHH Deputy Chairman Yaşar Kutluay said that the relief efforts for Libya would continue and they have started the preparations for the second ship.

 Kutluay said “Our food, clothing, medicine and medical devices, milk powder, infant formula and diaper aids to Libyan people will go on with the support of the charitable people.” 

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