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Humanitarian aid to Syria's Kurdish region
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation is continuing its humanitarian efforts in Syria at full speed. IHH, which has been with the Syrian people from the first day since the crisis began, is now helping the Kurdish region of Syria by sending aid trucks.
Syria, Turkey 03.07.2014


IHH assisted the Syrian Kurds in Kobani, Afrin and Jazeera regions by sending relief supplies of 27 trucks carrying packages containing baby food, biscuits, milk, hygiene and food aid.

Many important guests such as IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation President Bülent Yıldırım, board members Gülden Sölmez, Osman Atalay, Eşref Güler Vice Mayor of Bağlar Municipality, Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Rojava commission members Hüseyin Yılmaz and Mazlum-Der, Diyarbakır legal team and civil society organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry representatives attended the ceremony which took place in the Machinery Supply Garage which is connected to the central of Diyarbakir’s Bağlar Municipal.

Out of the 27 trucks, 7 went to Afrin, 13 went to Kobani and 7 went to the Jazeera region. Each truck had banners written in Turkish, Kurdish and Arabic on both the front and sides of the trucks which read 'Hand in hand with our Kopani Afrin and Jazeera brothers,'


In the press conference, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation president Bülent Yıldırım stated that this aid convoy is a very important project ‘brotherhood will show itself as people support each other’ Bülent Yıldırım continued his speech by saying “ We've always believed that only the Turkish and Kurdish alliance can disrupt the plots of imperial attacks in the Middle East. If other nations in the Middle East are to have health and prosperity, this historical union (of Kurds and Turks) and its efforts towards peace needs to have a permanent solution.

This is why we would like to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts who is continuing with the peace process. No matter what the situation is, this peace process must continue. Never give up. Both parties must act cautiously. We support any plans which will bring peace and stability. I can see positive results occurring in this process. But the peace process on its own is not enough. We also need to plan for the future. In this plan, the bridge of brotherhood will play an important role.”

The relief Vice Mayor of the Bağlar Municipal, Eşref Güler voiced how there has been a war in the Middle East for many years now and Rojava is facing civil war for more than 1.5 years now. Güler used the expression “There is no religion, race or ideology for hunger” to state that it is a humanitarian duty to provide aid and said that they were grateful to everyone provided this aid.

Hüseyin Durmaz, who made ​​a statement on behalf of the Commission of the Rojava Democratic Society Congress argued that those who live in Rojova are not poor and destitute. Their main problem is being unable to access border trade with neighbouring countries. Durmaz also said “The border crossings must be opened for trade. We would like to thank IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation workers for their support.”


Yıldırım said that there will be observers from Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Tradesmen, Chamber of Architects, Mazlum-Der, Özgür-Der, İslah-Der, İHH, Rojav Coordination and Diyarbakır legal team in the trucks that will be leaving from Diyarbakır. This is an historic step advocated Yıldırım. For starters we sent out 27 truck carrying aid today. However, he explained how they promised to send 100 trucks.

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