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IHH, AID continue to offer medical examinations in Syria
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation and Association of International Doctors (AID) have offered medical examinations to the residents of Kerame Camp following the residents of Qah Camp.
MiddleEast, Syria, Turkey 28.01.2013

Teams from AID and IHH’s Hatay desk have offered medical examinations to the Syrians who had to leave their homes and are living in camps now under difficult circumstances.

They have found out that there are common problem in the camps such as malnutrition, lack of clean water and diseases caused by cold.

“They will die if not fed properly”

Doctor Ahmet Altunel, an AID member, who examined twin babies in the camps, said the babies will die if they are not fed properly.

“There are many diseases in the camps caused by malnutrition. Yet, the situation of the twins is different. Their mother has no milk to feed them. They are being fed insufficiently. If their mother cannot feed them properly, the babies might lose their lives within several weeks,” he said.

Upon the remarks of the doctor, IHH teams delivered baby formula, milk and vitamins to the mothers and families with children in the camp.

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