IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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IHH didn’t forget Crimean Muslims
IHH teams distributed Ramadan food packages to Muslims having fled to Ukraine because of the Russian invasion in Crimea.
Crimea 01.07.2014

Approximately 5,000 Crimean Muslims having fled to Ukraine because of the Russian invasion in Crimea need help.

IHH teams visited the region before Ramadan and distributed food packages consisting fruits and vegetables, baby food, breakfast food and meat to 1000 families in Kiev, Liviv and Vinitsa.

One of the members of the team going to Crimea IHH board member Osman Atalay indicated that after the Russian invasion in Crimea approximately 5,000 Muslims immigrated to Kiev, Liviv, Ivana, Frankos, Ujgarat, Jitomir, Rivni, Vinitsa, Luts in Ukraine.

Atalay stated that the IHH Ramadan food packages gave Crimean Muslims moral support and remarked that taking the unemployment and economic instability in Ukraine into consideration, Crimean refugees there need a long term support.

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