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IHH in Kyrgyzstan for Orphan Solidarity Days
Our teams were in Central Asia for an orphan project.
Africa, Kyrgyzstan, CentralAsia 23.03.2012

An IHH team visited Kyrgyzstan as part of the Orphan Solidarity Days, which is held for the second time this year. 

The team took clothes and food aid to 100 orphans staying at Şıktuğ Children Home and Leninskiy Orphanage in the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek. Team members also gave clothes to another 20 orphans staying with their families and had a great week with them. 

Kyrgyz Youth and Employment Minister Alyasbek Alimkulov also attended the distributions at Leninskiy Orphanage and thanked charity-givers from Turkey and IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation for their help. “We met IHH last year. They have been helping us steadily since then. They have always stood by us. IHH local partner here İnsandık Jardam Fondu is also increasing its assistance to orphans. They carry out education and rehabilitation projects at orphanages. In addition, they deliver clothes and food aid to orphans at Ramadan and Qurban periods,” the minister said and added, addressing IHH officials, “Your assistance to Kyrgyz orphans is vital to our and the children’s future. With these efforts you once more showed benevolence of Turkey and people of Turkey and also empowered our relationship. We thank you all.”    

Officials from the local partner of IHH and a group of Turkish and Kyrgyz university students attended the program at the orphanage. The students were quite interested in the organization and expressed their willingness to take part in future activities at orphanages.

In addition to periodic humanitarian assistance at Ramadan and Qurban periods, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation is supporting 29 Kyrgyz orphan children through Sponsor Family System.

Click to view activity schedule for Orphan Solidarity Days planned to be organized in 36 countries and regions worldwide.  

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