IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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IHH holds mass iftar in Cuba
The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation which has given special importance to Cuba over the past several years has not forgotten the country at this Ramadan, either. Travelling to Cuba on the occasion
SouthAmerica, Cuba 23.08.2011

The IHH also held a mass iftar [fast-breaking dinner] in the country, bringing people from all walks of life together. People from various beliefs attended IHH’s mass iftar in Cuba where Islam has been spreading rapidly over the past years. People who have interest in Islam and want to get some information about it in particular, experienced the happiness of having iftar with Muslims.

The biggest problem of the Muslims in Cuba who sent their greetings to Turkey, is that they have very few number of source books on Islam. Learning about Islam over Spanish sources, the Cuban Muslims requested help from the IHH about this issue while voicing their appreciation for the efforts of charity givers in Turkey.

IHH makes faces smile in quake-stricken Haiti

Haiti, which was rocked by a massive earthquake in 2010 which claimed the lives of 300,000 people, was one of the places the IHH has not forgotten to take relief at this Ramadan. The magnitude 7.0 earthquake, the epicenter of which was capital city of Port Au Prince, left thousands of people homeless and thousands of children orphaned as it severely destroyed the country last year.

Carrying out relief efforts in Haiti since the very first days of the quake, IHH sent aid teams to the region at the beginning of Ramadan. Listening to the problems of the people in the region, IHH aid teams met the needs of four orphanages, providing them with food, clothing and stationery supplies for the 144 children staying at these facilities. There are many children in need of care at the orphanages in the country where missionaries work vigorously.

IHH teams also provided food to five mosques and 465 families in central Haiti for the month of Ramadan.

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