IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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IHH mobile kitchen, medical trailers at Babussalam Border Gate
A mobile kitchen and two medical trailers which belong to the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation are offering services to the Syrian refugees at Babussalam Border Gate in Syria.
Syria, Turkey 09.09.2012

A 50-member IHH aid team is offering help to Syrian refugees at the border in Kilis province and Syria’s Babussalam Border Gate.

IHH aid teams continue to offer various relief efforts for Syrian refugees in Syria.

50-member aid team working in Kilis and Babussalam Border Gate

A 50-member IHH aid team continues to offer relief services in Kilis and Babussalam Border Gate in Aleppo’s Azez town.

IHH is providing crucial relief to the victims of the unrest in Syria and Syrians who were injured in the ongoing violence in the country.

IHH mobile kitchen delivers hot meals twice a day

IHH’s mobile kitchen delivers hot meals to the 6,000 Syrian refugees twice a day who stay at the Babussalam Border Gate.

IHH set up 14 mobile toilets and 14 bathrooms for refugees at Babussalam Border Gate

IHH has also set up 14 mobile toilets and 14 bathrooms for Syrians who live under very difficult circumstances at Babussalam Border Gate.

IHH medical trailer offers free-of-charge health services and medication  

IHH, which has been offering free medical services in Hatay-Reyhanlı on a medical trailer, has also begun to offer free medical services to Syrians in Babussalam. So, IHH’s two medical trailers and one mobile kitchen are currently offering services to the Syrians.

Syrian refugees are examined, treated and given the necessary medication for free in the medical trailer in Babussalam. There are ear nose and throat specialists, general healthcare specialists and gynecologists in the trailer who offer treatment in their own fields to the refugees. The medics in the trailer also monitor diabetes and high blood pressure patients in addition to the growth of children. They also offer cancer and epidemics screening tests in addition to providing moral support to the refugees. All the healthcare services and medication offered by IHH’s medical trailer are free of charge.

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