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IHH Humanitarian relief foundation to organize humanitarian efforts in 60 countries
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation will carry out aid activities in 60 countries, including Türkiye, during the coming month of Ramadan. IHH aims to reach 3.5 million people through the distribution of iftar meals, zakat, fitr (alms), fidya (ransom), food packages, and Eid clothing Under the slogan "Call for Ramadan Brotherhood".

IHH has been involved in Ramadan activities in various parts of the world for many years. This year we will conduct aid operations in Türkiye aside from 59 other countries. IHH will distribute iftar meals and food packages, and provide Eid clothing to children. We will also deliver the zakat, fidya, and fitr donations to those in need. The goal is to benefit 3.5 million people in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe through these efforts.

Food packages to 95.000 families
This Ramadan, we aim is to deliver a total of 50.000 food packages worth 800 TL each to families in all 81 provinces of Türkiye. In terms of our international operations, we aim to distribute food packages to a total of 45.000 needy families. The contents of the food packages are determined based on the dietary habits of the recipient countries. The items in the food packages to be distributed in Türkiye include: rice, sugar, jam, chickpeas, bulgur, red lentils, sunflower oil, pasta, orzo, vermicelli, salt, green lentils, tea, beans, flour and olives.
Furthermore, 15.000 families in need will also be provided with food cards.
Iftar tables will be set up, and Eid clothing will be gifted
You can support the cost of an iftar meal for one person with a donation of 130 TL. We haven’t forgotten children in our Ramadan activities either. For the children, 100.000 orphans and needy children both in Türkiye and abroad will receive Eid outfits. Generous individuals can buy a child’s Eid clothing for 750 TL. Additionally, iftar programs for orphans and special activities for the 15th Ramadan World Orphans Day are also planned this year. IHH will deliver your zakat and fitr donations to tens of thousands of people during Ramadan.
What did IHH do in Ramadan 2023?
- We delivered humanitarian aid to 4.744.000 people.
- We delivered aid to 2.704.000 people, mainly in earthquake-stricken areas within the country and 2.040.000 people abroad.
- We served over 3 million iftar and suhoor meals.
- We distributed Zakat, fidya, and fitr to 23.504 families.
- We distributed 275.640 food packages.
- 1.378.000 people benefited from our food packages.
- We gifted 58.748 orphans and needy children with Eid clothing.
- We distributed food cards to 23.584 families nationwide.
- "Ramadan Children's Packages" were delivered to 7.915 children.
- In Syria, we distributed 900.480 bread packages, 2.200 food cards to families, and hygiene kits to 48.879 families.
- 432.218 various clothing items reached 144.072 individuals.


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