IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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IHH reconstructs village in Somalia
A village which was completely burnt down in a fire which broke out several months ago in Somalia’s Upper Shabelle region is being reconstructed by the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation.
Somalia 05.01.2012

IHH’s relief efforts in Somalia, which has been fighting against drought and hunger, continues at full speed. The foundation has begun the construction of 24 houses for families whose houses were burnt down by a fire in Camao village.

The fire which claimed the lives of many villagers made the village an uninhabitable place. Villagers who earn their living from farming faced the risk of remaining homeless. In order to make these villagers to return to their normal lives, the IHH has begun to construct 24 houses for the villagers. Each of the houses will have two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen.

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