IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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IHH takes relief to inaccessible areas in East Africa
Turkey has taken action to extend a helping hand to East Africa which has been suffering from the worst drought of the past 60 years. The drought is also accompanied by hunger. In addition to the Turk
Africa, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia 12.08.2011

The hunger crisis which has hit the entire Africa but mainly Somalia has drawn the attention of the entire world to the region. Large amounts of donations have been made to the region from the Islamic world on the occasion of Ramadan. The IHH emergency aid team which went to the region said the IHH team has delivered aid even to the inaccessible regions.

IHH takes aid to inaccessible regions

The team said various aid organizations have begun to come to Mogadishu but the only aid organization which takes relief to the southern regions which are under the control of al-Shabab is the IHH. The IHH plans to reach regions such as Bakoon, Shabella, Central Shabella, Baidoa and Hiran in the south which currently receive no humanitarian aid, the emergency relief team stated.

“We are trying to reach southern regions to prevent migration from the south to the north and center of the country. There is sometimes clashes and tension in Mogadishu but they do not affect the transportation of the aid. Thanks to the security corridor, we are able to take the humanitarian relief to the people in need,” the IHH team explained.

The team also noted that efforts of aid organizations and the humanitarian relief sent from Turkey have helped to alleviate the humanitarian tragedy in the camps; however, the team said the amount of humanitarian relief sent to the region is not sufficient. There is also need to tackle with diseases caused by malnourishment.

The first part of the aid sent to the southern region of the country was delivered to 600 families (4,200 people) in the lower and central Shabella regions. Every family was provided with a food package which included 25 kilograms of rice, 25 kilograms of flour, 3 kilograms of dates, 3 liters of vegetable oil and 10 kilograms of sugar.

It is feared that diseases caused by inadequate nutrition and lack of sufficient vitamin intake will turn into epidemics. Relief supplies sent to the region are distributed through our local partner organization. The IHH team said the foundation provides emergency medical aid to people by establishing mobile clinics at camps, adding that the necessary measures should be taken to ensure that camps are free from diseases.

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