IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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IHH to airlift aid to Somalia
Resorting to all kinds of efforts to alleviate the suffering caused by deadly drought in East Africa, the IHH is preparing to send a cargo plane loaded with foodstuffs and medicine to the region. The
Somalia 01.08.2011

Millions of people in Africa, particularly Somalia, the poorest country in the world, are at the risk of starvation. Tens of thousands of Somalis are trying to reach refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia on foot to escape drought-triggered famine and lack of water in their homeland. The IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation has decided upon worsening humanitarian situation in the Horn of Africa to send an airplane with 40-ton relief supplies onboard.  


The foundation’s aid teams that delivered aid supplies to Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya and other camps inside Somalia called for increasing the amount of aid considering the severity of the situation. The IHH will be airlifting a cargo of 40 tons of supplies such as infant formula, rice, sugar, cooking oil and other basic food items to Somalia on Wednesday.


Aid teams of the IHH are distributing relief supplies to people who are fighting famine in camps of Somalia and Kenya. Initially 45,000 individuals were given humanitarian assistance. Sick people and those on their way to refugee camps were also provided with aid supplies. The foundation is calling on all concerned people to contribute to this relief campaign in the holy month of Ramadan.

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