IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
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IHH Visits Organizations in South Korea
Delegations of the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation visited South Korean partner organizations in Seoul that contributed to humanitarian aid efforts following the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.

During the visit, Board Member responsible for International Relations at IHH Mustafa Talha Keskin and his team held meetings with Good Neighbors, the Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC), and the Turkish Embassy for Korea in Seoul.

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In the Good Neighbors, who provided significant in-kind aid to earthquake-affected regions in Türkiye and Syria, ongoing projects were reviewed. Additionally, discussions were held on planned activities and the expansion of collaboration.

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In the meeting with the KCOC, with which IHH is working on capacity-building efforts particularly in humanitarian aid standards, ongoing collaborations and potential new projects were discussed.

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The IHH team also visited the Turkish Embassy for Korea in Seoul. During this visit, information about IHH’s humanitarian work was shared with Ambassador H.E. Murat Tamer, and appreciation for South Korea’s support in the wake of the earthquake in Türkiye was also expressed.

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