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New works from IHH in Uganda
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation built a mosque in Yumbe district, 550 kilometers from the capital of Uganda. In the same region, the foundation of the Quran Education Center, where 108 students can study at the same time, was laid, while the construction of a mosque and a water well started in Mpambiri village, 25 kilometers away from the capital.
Uganda 24.12.2024

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation continues its activities in Uganda. With the support of Bayburt IHH, H. İrfan Akkuş and H. Kadir Türk Mosque, where 200 people can worship at the same time, was built in Yumbe region, 550 kilometers away from Kampala, the capital of the country.

At the opening of the mosque, 500 copies of the Quran were presented to the people of the region.


The foundation of the “Akbaş Family Quran Education Center”, which is 180 square meters in size, has 3 classrooms and can accommodate 108 students at the same time, was also laid in the same region.

img_9120.jpgMosque and water well construction started

Within the scope of IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation's activities in the country, the construction of Fatma Ana Mosque and Water Well in Mpambiri village, 25 kilometers away from the capital Kampala, has also started.

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New works from IHH in Uganda
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