IHH entered Syria’s Jarablus, which suffered intense clashes without access to any relief aid, with mobile soup kitchen and a truck of humanitarian relief aid.
Jarablus was held by DAESH since 2013. Therefore it was impossible to deliver humanitarian relief aid in Jarablus where life returns to normal now after Operation Euphrates Shield.
As of yesterday IHH entered Jarabblus with mobile soup kitchen and a truck that contains humanitarian relief aid.
35.000 pita-bread Daily
In this regard IHH Emergency Aid teams identified the needs in Jerablus bakery in which production is almost non-existent. The teams started working to renovate the bakery to start working again and to get supplies of flour, yeast, water and fuel. When these are done the bakery will be able to produce 35.000 pita-bread daily. In addition to Jarablus bakery IHH mobile bakery with a daily production capacity of 10.000 will also be put into use. IHH will distribute hot meals to 8.000 indigent people daily from the Mobile soup kitchen that is set up in the town square.
Emergency Packages Distributed
Moreover emergency packages containing tuna, water, juice, and sweets are distributed to the indigent people. Cooking oil, legumes, pasta, tomato past and other supplies for cooking hot meals were also brought in from Turkey.
IHH rented a huge warehouse in Jerablus and will distribute to the people the relief aid that will be brought in by trucks from Turkey daily.